International Visitor Survey (Quarterly)

4 March 2025


We advise caution when using and interpreting IVS quarterly-level results. Quarterly level statistics have a higher margin of error than annual level statistics. More information on data quality, including sample sizes, response rates, and margins of error can be found in the Survey quality for the International Visitor Survey page on MBIE's website.

The International Visitor Survey, produced by MBIE, measures the expenditure, characteristics and behaviours of international visitors to New Zealand. More information can be found on MBIE's website.

MBIE has worked with key stakeholders to revise parts of the questionnaire, with a greater focus on sustainability, new information needs due to COVID-19, and meeting new expenditure data requirements by Stats NZ. Stats NZ and MBIE have collaborated on a survey design that better accounts for ongoing changes to border policies and flight schedules as the New Zealand border reopens. MBIE will continue to monitor the current environment over the next few months to enable sample design updates and adjustments until overseas tourism stabilises.