Accommodation Data Programme

29 November 2024


The Accommodation Data Programme, managed by Fresh Information Ltd and funded by MBIE, provides information about short-term accommodation activity at national, regional, and lower levels. It estimates the guest nights, occupancy rates and other measures relating to the accommodation industry.

It replaces Stats NZ's Accommodation Survey which ceased in September 2019. The ADP collects a small amount of data from accommodation providers each month, collates it, and then publishes reports that can be used to benchmark performance and monitor the industry.

The reported statistics are based on information provided by commercial accommodation providers with at least six stay units. Data for small hosted accommodation providers (5 or fewer stay units) and holiday homes will be reported separately when we have sufficient data to do so.

Fresh Info offers an alternative ADP explorer. More information can be found on MBIE's website.

Download ADP raw data:

All measures [CSV]

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