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International Visitor Survey - Year end June 2024 and June Q2 2024 Data Release

September 04, 2024

This release includes total results from the International Visitor Survey (IVS) for year-end June 2024 and separately for the June 2024 quarter.

Top-line results can be found on MBIE’s Tourism Evidence and Insights Centre (TEIC).

Microdata is also published on MBIE’s website.

We advise caution when using and interpreting IVS quarterly level results

Results on the TEIC for the June quarter 2024 are presented for Australia, Rest of World and Total (all countries). Quarterly level statistics have a higher margin of error than annual level statistics due to the smaller sample size resulting from a shorter survey period. Consistent with a decrease in international visitor arrivals for the shoulder season, the total sample size for the June quarter (April to June 2024) is lower than for the March quarter (January to March 2024) which means some market breakdowns available for the previous quarter are not possible for the current quarter.

For year-end June 2024, market breakdown is the same as for year-end March 2024 and includes Total, Australia, UK, USA, Rest of Europe, Asia, Germany, Canada, and Rest of World. The margin of error is still too large for China to be separated from Asia for analysis.

More information on data quality, including sample sizes, response rates and margin of errors, can be found here.

Key highlights for year-end June 2024 (July 2023 – June 2024)

All spend figures that are compared with 2019 are adjusted for inflation using Stats NZ CPI to account for how much of the extra spending by tourists is being driven by higher prices.

Annual spend at 85% of 2019 levels, up 5% from last quarter

Visitor spend increased between year-end March 2024 and year-end June 2024

Key highlights for June 2024 quarter (April - June 2024)

All spend figures that are compared with the June 2023 quarter are adjusted for inflation using Stats NZ CPI to account for how much of the extra spending by tourists is being driven by higher prices.

Visitor spend is up 17 percent from June 2023 quarter

International visitor spend aligns with international visitor numbers

Future data releases

The next data release will include results from the September 2024 quarter and will be released on 3rd December 2024. The tourism data release calendar on the MBIE website has release dates to December 2024.

October 2024

November 2024

December 2024