The Economy
| Economic resilience
This page displays measures related to the impact of tourism on New Zealand's economy and the industry’s resilience to changes and shocks.
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List of datasets used in this page: Tourism Satellite Account | Accommodation Data Programme
List of area levels covered in this page: National | Regional Tourism Organisation | Territorial Authority
This graph shows the proportion of value added by the tourism industry in the national GDP. Direct value added measures products sold directly to tourists. This measure is consistent with how other industries in the economy are measured, enabling comparisons between these industries. Indirect value added measures the purchase of products resold to tourists or products used in producing goods and services sold directly to tourists.
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How to read this graph:
Each bar on this graph represents the proportion of tourism spend in relation to the total national GDP of a specific year.
This graph shows the value added by tourism businesses. Value added is the ‘value’ businesses add to the goods and services they purchase (intermediate inputs) and use in producing their own outputs, also known as tourism's direct contribution to GDP. Industry production breakdowns are not available for provisional years (such as year ended March 2021).
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How to read this graph:
Each line or series of this graph represents a sector contributing to tourism industry output. The x-axis shows the years with available data, and the y-axis shows how much a certain industry added value, in millions of New Zealand dollars.
The Accommodation Data Programme (ADP) is a new programme providing information about short-term accommodation activity at national, regional, and district/city levels. It estimates the guest nights, occupancy rates and other measures relating to the accommodation industry. The graph below shows multiple measures of accommodation data per area (regional tourism organisation or territorial authority) for a particular accommodation property type and measure.
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Note: Some RTOs and TAs are not available for certain property types due to confidentiality reasons.
How to read this graph:
Each line of this graph represents either a Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) or Territorial Authority (TA - district or city council area). The x-axis shows the months with available data, and the y-axis shows the value for the selected accommodation type and measure. The interactive buttons Type and Measure can be used to select the accommodation type and measure to be displayed.
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The Accommodation Data Programme (ADP) is a new programme providing information about short-term accommodation activity at national, regional, and district/city levels. It estimates the guest nights, occupancy rates and other measures relating to the accommodation industry. The graph below shows multiple measures of accommodation data by the type of property for a specified area, either nationwide or within an regional tourism organisation (council-level data, and some RTOs, are unavailable due to confidentiality reasons).
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Note: Some RTOs are not available, as well as certain property types in available RTOs, due to confidentiality reasons.
How to read this graph:
Each line of this graph represents a type of accommodation property provider. The x-axis shows the months with available data, and the y-axis shows the value for the selected measure. The interactive button Measure can be used to select the measure to be displayed.
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