The Economy
| Demand
This page displays measures of demand for visiting Aotearoa New Zealand and the daily spend of international visitors.
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List of datasets used in this page: International Travel and Migration | International Visitor Survey | Business Events Data Programme
List of area levels covered in this page: National
This graph shows the number of visitor arrivals to New Zealand by stated country of last residence. International Travel data released by Stats NZ are collected from (1) arrival cards, (2) departure cards (before Nov 2018), and (3) electronic arrival and departure records, both supplied by the New Zealand Customs Service.
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Controls enabled: monthly
How to read this graph:
Each line of this graph represents a stated country of last residence, with the x-axis showing the years with available data and the Y axis showing the number of arrivals to New Zealand for each year.
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This graph shows the average spend per night of visitors based on their country of last residence.
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How to read this graph:
Each line or series of this graph represents the average spend per day for different international markets in New Zealand. The x-axis shows the quarters with available data, and the y-axis shows the spend per day of visitors from a particular country of last residence.
This graph shows the breakdown of business events, delegates or delegate days at a national level. The data can be split by different types, such as the type, size and length of the event.
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How to read this graph:
Each bar on this graph represents the number of events, delegates or delegate days (days spent by delegates for a business event) split by the selected type.
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