| Reliance on tourism
This page displays measures around tourism spend in order to better understand how each New Zealand area is economically reliant on tourism.
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At the bottom of each section, you will find the "How to read this graph" area with more information about how to interpret the chart and potential caveats around the data used.
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List of datasets used in this page: Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates | Tourism Electronic Card Transactions | Modelled Territorial Authority Gross Domestic Product | Business Events Data Programme
List of area levels covered in this page: Regional Council | Regional Tourism Organisation
Note: Some data relating to international TECT spend was not displayed/aggregated correctly in the June 2024 data release. This affected the following charts: International tourism electronic card transaction expenditure, Proportion of spend per region, Growth in spend per region, and Spend per industry by region. This has now been fixed. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at
This graph shows the proportion of regional GDP attributed to tourism expenditure in that region over time - a proxy for a region’s economic reliance on tourism.
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How to read this graph:
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This graph shows the amount of tourism electronic card transaction expenditure from domestic visitors.
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Note: Territorial Authority level data is only available at the annual level due to confidentiality reasons.
How to read this graph:
Each line of this graph represents a regional authority. The x-axis shows the months with available data, and the y-axis shows the domestic tourism expenditure.
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This graph shows the amount of tourism electronic card transaction expenditure from other (i.e. non- domestic) visitors.
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Note: Territorial Authority level data is only available at the annual level due to confidentiality reasons.
How to read this graph:
Each line of this graph represents a regional authority. The x-axis shows the months with available data, and the y-axis shows the international tourism expenditure.
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This graph shows the proportion of expenditure region, or the percentage of spend attributed to a specific Regional Council or RTO. The data come from the Tourism Electronic Card Transactions (TECTs), produced by MBIE as an interim replacement to the Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates (MRTEs).
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How to read this graph:
Each area of this graph represents a regional authority. The x-axis shows the months with available data, and the y-axis shows the proportion of expenditure.
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This graph shows the growth of tourism electronic card transaction expenditure for Regional Councils and RTOs in Aotearoa New Zealand.
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How to read this graph:
Each line of this graph represents a regional authority. The x-axis shows the months with available data, and the y-axis shows the growth in tourism spend.
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This graph shows the electronic card transaction expenditure for each region by industry. Use the buttons Region or RTO to choose an area of Aotearoa New Zealand and the graph will be populated with the expenditure by all the different industries.
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How to read this graph:
Each line of this graph represents an industry. The x-axis shows the months with available data, and the y-axis shows the expenditure attributed to an industry. Click on the Region or RTO buttons to choose an area and the graph will be populated with the expenditure by all the different industries.
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This graph shows where visitors spend their money in New Zealand, and where they come from.
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How to read this graph:
This graph shows how tourism expenditure flowed from its origin to its destination. Each curve's thickness is proportional to the expenditure corresponding to that link. You can hover over a curve to see the exact amount in millions of dollars. You can also click on a region's label to show or hide it, allowing you to focus on certain regions or RTOs. Controls are provided at the top to switch between years and the MRTE or TECT datasets.
This graph shows which regions business events occur, or which regions business event delegates go for MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) events.
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How to read this graph:
Each bar on this graph represents the number of events, delegates or delegate days (days spent by delegates for a business event) split by each region. The measure shown can be adjusted using the grey button at the top of the chart.
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