International and domestic visitors
| Safety and security
This page currently displays measures and indicators of visitor safety in Aotearoa New Zealand. We are researching additional datasets around health and wellbeing of visitors.
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List of datasets used in this page: International Visitor Survey | Great Walk Guest Survey
List of area levels covered in this page: National
This graph breaks down the satisfaction of international visitors' sense of safety from a 10-point scale, where 1 means Not at all satisfied and 10 means Extremely satisfied.
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Controls enabled: quarterly
How to read this graph:
Each segment of this area graph is split depending on the proportion of international visitor satisfaction on "sense of safety", as shown on the y-axis. The total area of a certain segment changes across the x-axis, which shows all the quarters with available data. You can also hover your mouse near an area boundary to see the exact proportions and counts.
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The Department of Conservation (DOC) manages ten Great Walks that traverse New Zealand’s most compelling landscapes and are marketed both at home and abroad as truly iconic visitor experiences. Respondents were asked the question: “Thinking about your 'Great Walk' experience, how much do you agree with the statement ‘I felt safe at all times’?”. A weighted rating scale from 0 ('Do not agree at all') to 4 ('Agree totally') is used to report degree of agreement, and the results are shown in the chart below.
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How to read this graph:
The graph above shows the degree of agreement with the statement 'I felt safe at all times'. The maximum degree is 4.0 and the minimum degree is 0.0.
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The Department of Conservation (DOC) manages ten Great Walks that traverse New Zealand’s most compelling landscapes and are marketed both at home and abroad as truly iconic visitor experiences. Respondents were asked the question: “Thinking about your 'Great Walk' experience, how much do you agree with the statement ‘I relied on DOC to keep me safe on my Great Walk’?”. A weighted rating scale from 0 ('Do not agree at all') to 4 ('Agree totally') is used to report degree of agreement, and the results are shown in the chart below.
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How to read this graph:
The graph above shows the agreement with the statement by all respondents by nationality. Each bar in the chart represents a different nationality and the higher the bar the higher the degree of agreement by all respondents of each nationality.
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