International and domestic visitors
| Quality of experience
This page displays measures and indicators related to the experience and satisfaction of visitors when travelling through Aotearoa New Zealand, and how this may affect their behaviours.
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List of datasets used in this page: International Visitor Survey | Day hikes and short walks survey | Great Walk Guest Survey
List of area levels covered in this page: National
This graph shows the number of international visitors who returned to New Zealand after a previous visit.
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Controls enabled: quarterly
How to read this graph:
This graph shows a single line representing the percentage of returning visitors per quarter (default). Returning visitors are those visitors that have travelled to New Zealand more than once. By clicking on the "Annual" button at the top of the graph you are able to see annual data at specific year ending months.
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This graph breaks down the satisfaction of international visitors' overall visit to New Zealand from a 10-point scale, where 1 means Not at all satisfied and 10 means Extremely satisfied.
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Controls enabled: quarterly
How to read this graph:
Each segment of this area graph is split depending on the proportion of international visitors that rated their overall visit to New Zealand a particular score, as shown on the y-axis. The total area of a certain segment changes across the x-axis, which shows all the quarters with available data. You can also hover your mouse near an area boundary to see the exact proportions and counts.
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This graph breaks down the likelihood of international visitors recommending New Zealand as a holiday destination to others on a 10-point scale, where 1 means Not at all likely to recommend and 10 means Extremely likely to recommend.
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Controls enabled: quarterly
How to read this graph:
Each segment of this area graph is split depending on the proportion of international visitors that rated the likelihood they would recommend New Zealand as a holiday destination to others a particular score as shown on the y-axis. The total area of a certain segment changes across the x-axis, which shows all the quarters with available data. You can also hover your mouse near an area boundary to see the exact proportions and counts.
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This graph breaks down the opinion of international visitors' expectations of New Zealand and how they were met.
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Controls enabled: quarterly
How to read this graph:
Each segment of this area graph is split depending on how New Zealand compared to the expectations of international visitors, as shown on the y-axis. The total area of a certain segment changes across the x-axis, which shows all the quarters with available data. You can also hover your mouse near an area boundary to see the exact proportions and counts.
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The Department of Conservation (DOC) conducted an evaluation programme over three summer seasons to assess the success of DOC’s branded Short Walks and Day Hikes portfolios. The graph bellow shows the exact location of the Day hikes and Short walks surveyed by DOC.
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How to read this graph:
The map indicates the location of each Short Walk and Day Hike. By hovering the map you are able to identify the Regional Council where each hike or walk is located.
The Department of Conservation (DOC) conducted an evaluation programme over three summer seasons to assess the success of DOC’s branded Short Walks and Day Hikes portfolios. The graph bellow shows visitor ratings divided in 3 categories: (1) Detractors, or visitors that responded DOC's survey with satisfaction rates between 0 and 6; (2) passives or visitors that showed satifaction rates between 7 and 8; and (3) promoters or visitors that demostrated satisfaction rates between 9 and 10.
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How to read this graph:
Survey respondents were asked to rate hike and walks in a scale from 0 to 10, being 0 very unsatisfied and 10 very satified. Detractors are users that responded DOC's survey with satisfaction rates between 0 and 6, while Passives showed satifaction rates between 7 and 8, and Promoters demostrated satisfaction rates between 9 and 10. The higher the percentage of Promoters, the higher is the overal satisfaction.
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The Department of Conservation (DOC) conducted an evaluation programme over three summer seasons to assess the success of DOC’s branded Short Walks and Day Hikes portfolios. The graph bellow shows the Net Promoter Score (NPS) calculated for each season for Short Walks and Day Hikes.
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How to read this graph:
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a method to estimate the satisfaction of customers. The maximum value of NPS is 100 and the minimum is -100. The higher the NPS, the higher is the overall customer satisfaction.
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The Department of Conservation (DOC) conducted an evaluation programme over three summer seasons to assess the success of DOC’s branded Short Walks and Day Hikes portfolios. The graph bellow shows the visitor ratings of a range of facilities and services on these branded walks, as well as on unbranded comparable walks. Ratings use a weighted scale from 0 ('Terrible') to 4 ('Excellent').
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How to read this graph:
The graph above shows weighted performance ratings of a range of facilities and services provided by DOC at branded Short Walk and Day Hike tracks. The maximum performance rating is 4.0 and the minimum rating is 0.0. These ratings are presented by season and for each potfolio overall.
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The Department of Conservation (DOC) conducted an evaluation programme over three summer seasons to assess the success of DOC’s branded Short Walks and Day Hikes portfolios. The graph bellow shows the level of agreement with statements about experience attributes. Ratings use weighted scale from 0 ('Do not agree at all') to 4 ('Agree totally').
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How to read this graph:
The graph above shows the weighted levels of performance of experience attributes. The maximum performance rating is 4.0 and the minimum rating is 0.0. These rates are presented by season and for portfolio overall. Each circle shows the rating for a specific experience attribute.
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The Department of Conservation (DOC) manages ten Great Walks that traverse New Zealand’s most compelling landscapes and are marketed both at home and abroad as truly iconic visitor experiences.
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How to read this graph:
The graph above shows the percentage of respondents who were 'Extremely', 'Very', 'Moderately', 'Slightly' or 'Not at all' satisfied. Over the 2019/20 season, 89% of respondents reported being overall 'Very' or 'Extremely' satisfied with their Great Walk experience, while the remaining 11% of the respondents reported being 'Moderately', 'Slightly' or 'Not at all' satisfied.
The Department of Conservation (DOC) manages ten Great Walks that traverse New Zealand’s most compelling landscapes and are marketed both at home and abroad as truly iconic visitor experiences. The Great Walk Guest Survey has been conducted since the 2015/16 walking season, and collects responses over the entire year. The survey captures both quantitative and qualitative data. Only data from the 2,490 ‘Post-visit’ survey responses collected in the year ending June 2020 are presented here. Respondents were asked the question: “Thinking about your ‘Great Walk’, please list the three words that best describe your experience”, and the top 20 words are shown in the chart below.
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How to read this graph:
The graph above shows the most frequent descriptors used by respondents. Each bar in the chart represents a descriptor, and the longer the bar, the greater the number of times respondents used the descriptor for their ‘Great Walk’ experience. More details about this survey can be found at DOC's website.
The Department of Conservation (DOC) manages ten Great Walks that traverse New Zealand’s most compelling landscapes and are marketed both at home and abroad as truly iconic visitor experiences. The Great Walk Guest Survey has been conducted since the 2015/16 walking season, and collects responses over the entire year. The survey captures both quantitative and qualitative data. Only data from the 2,490 ‘Post-visit’ survey responses collected in the year ending June 2020 are presented here. Respondents were asked the question: “Thinking about your 'Great Walk' experience, how challenging was it for you?”. A weighted rating scale from 0 (‘Not at all challenging') to 4 (Extremely challenging') is used to report degree of challenge, and the results are shown in the chart below.
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How to read this graph:
The graph above shows the weighted ratings of the degree of challenge experienced by all respondents across all ‘Great Walks’ according to nationality.
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The Department of Conservation (DOC) manages ten Great Walks that traverse New Zealand’s most compelling landscapes and are marketed both at home and abroad as truly iconic visitor experiences. The Great Walk Guest Survey has been conducted since the 2015/16 walking season, and collects responses over the entire year. The survey captures both quantitative and qualitative data. Only data from the 2,490 ‘Post-visit’ survey responses collected in the year ending June 2020 are presented here. Respondents were asked the question: “Thinking about your 'Great Walk' experience, how challenging was it for you?”. A weighted rating scale from 0 (‘Not at all challenging') to 4 (Extremely challenging') is used to report degree of challenge, and the results are shown in the chart below.
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How to read this graph:
The graph above shows the weighted ratings of the degree of challenge experienced by all respondents for each Great Walk. The maximum rating is 4.0 and the minimum rating is 0.0. Each bar in the chart represents a different ‘Great Walk’ and the higher the bar the higher the degree of challenge experienced by all respondents overall.
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