About this site
The Tourism Evidence and Insights Centre (TEIC) was developed by MBIE in collaboration with representatives from the tourism industry, academia, and government.
This site provides insights, data and information about tourism in Aotearoa New Zealand to anyone wanting to know more about what’s happening in the tourism sector. You are welcome to contribute your own tourism-related articles or presentations to the site by contacting the team.
A key feature of the TEIC is the Sustainable Tourism Explorer (STE), an interactive application that allows users to explore a range of datasets related to the environmental, social and economic sustainability of tourism in Aotearoa New Zealand. You can visualise data, customise the graphs and download them.
How we started
As part of the 2018 Tourism Data Domain Plan, extensive stakeholder consultation across the industry identified the need for a sustainability dashboard that would capture a wider range of measures of tourism sustainability.
A collaborative dashboard was further reinforced as a need by participants at the Tourism Information and Data Hui held in 2019.
As a result, the Tourism Evidence and Insights Centre and Sustainable Tourism Explorer were designed to address these key goals:
- A system that actively promotes and supports collaboration
- Data usability – how can this data be more usable, accessible, understandable - for a wider audience
- Developing a digital platform to encourage collaboration and data sharing across the sector.
- Measuring and monitoring sustainable tourism impacts, including creating a dashboard to support sector use of the information
A list of primary areas and indicators were developed for inclusion in this dashboard at a workshop involving regional tourism organisations, New Zealand Māori Tourism, academia, and the wider industry. These can now be found at the Sustainable Tourism Explorer.
To see more details about the current and past development of this site, see History - TEIC here or at the bottom of each page.